Page 1978 - Week 07 - Wednesday, 3 June 2015

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(f) that the ACT Government is working closely with tenants of these properties to identify their housing needs and preferences so that tenants can be relocated into properties that meet their individual needs, and that this work will continue for the duration of the housing renewal program;

(g) that the Government is responding to the needs and preferences of tenants along the proposed Northbourne Avenue redevelopment sites, by providing accommodation within the 800 metre corridor (including Flemington Road), in the inner north and the city, where possible; and

(h) that the Government will be maintaining the “salt and pepper” approach to public housing in existing suburbs, and expanding this approach to public housing in new and developing areas; and

(2) calls on the Government to continue its public housing renewal program so that public housing tenants are provided with modern housing that meets their individual needs.”.

I take the opportunity to speak again today about the government’s strong commitment to public housing and I am pleased to see that Ms Lawder is taking such an active interest in the government’s housing renewal program. Unfortunately, Ms Lawder’s motion did not fully reflect the benefits of the housing renewal program. The amendment that I have moved seeks to properly reflect the work that the government is doing in housing renewal and the positive benefits that will be delivered for the people who live in these new homes and for the broader community.

I am very honoured to be the Minister for Housing at the time when the government is delivering a once in a generation renewal of Canberra’s public housing. I am also honoured to be a minister in this government which has a strong commitment to urban renewal, economic development and public transport.

Capital metro and public housing renewal are key elements of the government’s policy in these areas and these projects will deliver significant benefits to the Canberra community. This has been recognised by the federal Liberal government who have agreed to include the public housing renewal program in the asset recycling initiative, with the benefits being directed to the capital metro project.

As I have said previously, I have always been proud of Canberra’s public housing renewal story, and I think we all are. Since the early public servants moved in decades ago, public housing has provided homes for countless thousands of people and today we have more than 22,000 people living in public housing in the ACT. Over more recent times, we have targeted public housing progressively to those who are most in need, to the point now where we have the most highly targeted system in Australia.

We need to remember that 95 per cent of our tenants are from low income households. Nearly 40 per cent of public housing dwellings are home to people living with a disability. Almost two-thirds of our main tenants are women and just over two-thirds of single older tenants are women.

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