Page 1901 - Week 07 - Tuesday, 2 June 2015

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We will also boost tourism to the Territory and the region, with new initiatives to promote Canberra as a business and leisure destination in domestic and international markets. And we will continue to work with airlines to attract direct international air services to and from key markets.

The Government will also continue to support major events, such as Floriade and blockbuster exhibitions, which provide world-class attractions for Canberrans and attract visitors to the Territory.

Health and education investment for Canberra

This budget makes record investments in health and education.

I said earlier that budgets are about people, and about values.

Our commitment to invest in health and education is where this is apparent: there is nothing I value more than our people, and this budget invests to improve their health and education outcomes regardless of their circumstances.

This budget provides $1.5 billion for health in 2015-16, including more than $161 million over four years for growth and new initiatives in the health system.

There will be more services for mental health, end of life care, community, outpatient and primary care, and more elective surgeries and procedures.

There will also be expanded hospital services and more beds at our hospitals, there will be more services for women and children, and we will invest in specialist drug treatment services.

Canberrans can take advantage of healthier and more active lifestyles, with significant funding for a range of sporting and recreational initiatives, the continuation of healthy weight programs, and more walking and cycling projects.

This budget invests more than $1.1 billion in our education system to support our teachers and improve learning outcomes for all students in Government, Catholic and independent schools, regardless of ability or background.

There are a range of initiatives to assist students, such as extra resources and special needs transport for students with disability. Teachers will also be supported through further online resources.

Capital funding of more than $75 million will improve infrastructure and enhance information and communication technology in schools.

The Government has introduced a program of revitalising school infrastructure and is also modernising Belconnen High.

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