Page 1166 - Week 04 - Wednesday, 25 March 2015

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Centenary of Anzac

MS PORTER (Ginninderra) (5.30): Before I go on to the substantive matter that I want to talk about, I echo what Mr Coe said. You can always rely on Mr Coe to go through the whole list, to acknowledge everyone in the CAT awards and importantly, of course, to acknowledge Coralie. Thank you for those words, because it deserves reiterating every year what a fine organisation that is and what fine work these people do.

In relation to the motion debated this morning—Mr Hanson’s first motion of the day—I acknowledge my family members who were in the British armed forces and who were overseas away from their families for many years. My two uncles and my father were in Burma, Africa and Italy. One uncle was one of those uncles you have when you are not having an uncle. He was not actually related but was considered to be a member of the family. They all came safely home; so we are very fortunate in that regard. My own mother was in the armed forces too, but she did not leave the shores of England.

My father left Britain for his first overseas posting when I was only two months old. He did not return until I was three. He never spoke about the trauma of warfare. He only ever recounted an event which was an amusing incident amongst all the pain. He would not read my mother’s diaries that she wrote religiously every day dad was away because she wanted to record all the little incidents about my growing up and her daily activities. He said it would remind him too much of what he had missed. Even when she died he still declined to read those diaries.

I always acknowledge my eldest son’s involvement as a peacekeeper in the Solomons in the first tranche of peacekeepers that went to the Solomons. He went with the AFP as a protective services officer. As Mr Rattenbury said, it is very important for us to acknowledge the valuable and vital contribution that peacekeepers make throughout the world and continue to make on a daily basis.

I acknowledge all of those who have fought for this country and fought in all of the different theatres across the world in all the different countries. Both my sons are married to young women of German descent. They are born in Australia from German parents. I know they also have many stories about family members who were caught up in those terrible world wars. I feel for them. I know they all have very strong memories of that time through the families.

I acknowledge everyone who has been caught up in these terrible events over the years and acknowledge in particular, as we come up to this important day on 25 April, the Australian and New Zealand people who were involved in that particular incident that we celebrate, if that is the right word, on Anzac Day.

Charny Carny

MRS DUNNE (Ginninderra) (5.33): On Saturday I had the great pleasure, amongst other things, of attending along with, I understand, Ms Porter and Mr Coe—although our paths did not cross—the Charny Carny. The Charny Carny, as some members

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