Page 1029 - Week 04 - Tuesday, 24 March 2015

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MR CORBELL: It is not the decision of the government to relocate the site. It is a decision of the proponent. The proponent indicated to me late last year that they were giving contemplation to that and that has now been confirmed today.

Madam Speaker, this is a very welcome development. I am sure it will be welcomed by the residents of Uriarra. Indeed, I know that it will be.

Opposition members interjecting—


Mr Wall interjecting—

Mr Hanson interjecting—

MADAM SPEAKER: Order, Mr Wall, Mr Hanson!

MR CORBELL: I know that it will be, Madam Speaker, because we have heard them say as much in media reports this morning. But it is also a welcome development for this project. This is an important renewable energy project for the city and for our country at a time when the federal government continues to undermine certainty in the investment market for renewable energy generation.

At a time when the federal Liberal government wants to cut funding and support to renewable energy projects across the country—and has continued to pursue that course of action as late as this morning—this government, this Labor government, is serious about providing the environment and the policy measures that support the development of a low carbon economy and the economic and environmental benefits that flow from that.

So this is a very welcome outcome today. There are still more hurdles to be cleared, but the proponent is very clear that they wish to relocate to the Williamsdale site, subject, of course, to achieving all the necessary approvals. The government have indicated that we are very happy to work with them to see whether or not that outcome can be achieved.

MADAM SPEAKER: A supplementary question, Mr Wall.

MR WALL: Minister, has the ACT government at any time offered any compensation waiver or financial contribution to any entity involved in the Uriarra solar proposal or has any proponent requested such assistance?

MR CORBELL: No, and no.

MADAM SPEAKER: A supplementary question, Mr Smyth.

MR SMYTH: Minister, when were residents informed of the decision to switch the site?

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