Page 392 - Week 02 - Tuesday, 17 February 2015

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Mr Corbell: On the point of order.

MADAM SPEAKER: On the point of order, Mr Corbell.

Mr Corbell: Minister Burch has answered the question directly. She was asked when she became aware, and she has provided that answer. She is now providing context to that answer. She has a time limit to do so. There is no point of order.

MADAM SPEAKER: I cannot uphold the point of order. The minister has been asked to answer the question. She has given an answer to that question. But there is only a certain amount of context that can be given after the event. If you have anything to add, add it briefly; otherwise sit down.

MS BURCH: I will take the opportunity—

Dr Bourke: Point of order.

MADAM SPEAKER: Point of order, Dr Bourke.

Dr Bourke: I seek clarification on what is the amount of context that you consider can be provided after an answer is given.

MADAM SPEAKER: Normally when people are giving context, they are giving it up-front before they get to the answer, and there has always been a fair amount of leeway. But here we had an answer up-front. There is not an elaboration on the answer; the answer is a particular date or the description of a particular time. Anything beyond that is some sort of elaboration which does not actually add anything to the answer. It is providing context. I am not saying how much context—37 seconds, 28 seconds—is the right amount of context. I am just asking the minister to be mindful of, having given the answer, whether she can provide more information. If she is providing more information, that is fine, but merely elaborating on context does not add anything to the answer. I am asking her to be brief and, if she has nothing else to say, to bring her answer to a conclusion so that we can get on with question time. Minister Burch.

MS BURCH: I will wait for the next one, Madam Speaker.

MADAM SPEAKER: A supplementary question, Mr Doszpot.

MR DOSZPOT: Minister, when did you first alert the Chief Minister or Deputy Chief Minister of this breach?

MS BURCH: I think I have been very clear that the breach is a personal matter. It is a very personal matter. I just look to each and every one of you over there that have family and friends to understand that now you have opened the door for us to bring them into this place in any way, shape or form we like. That is what you have done today. That is exactly what you have done today.

Mr Hanson: On a point of order.

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