Page 32 - Week 01 - Tuesday, 10 February 2015

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MR ASSISTANT SPEAKER: Mr Hanson, you are warned.

MS BURCH: I will say that the community benefits. Indeed, let us go to Mr Smyth’s comments back in 2012. Mr Smyth, on the eve of the last election, launched their policy promising to cut red tape for the industry and to relax restrictions on the movement of machines within and between clubs. Announcing this policy, Mr Smyth said that this would help pokie venues in a difficult trading environment. He recognises that he wants to make the system simpler to approve licences, to move machines and to cut other red tape because he sees the values and the benefits in community clubs.

If Mr Smyth was happy to talk with the clubs and make the movement of machines simpler, he would also know that the community clubs––

Mr Hanson interjecting—

Mr Corbell: Point of order.

MADAM SPEAKER: Point of order. Can we stop the clock, please?

Mr Corbell: Madam Speaker, Mr Hanson is on a warning from the Assistant Speaker. He continues to interject despite that warning. The minister is facing a serious motion about whether or not she continues in office. She is entitled to defend herself and she is entitled to defend herself in relative silence, rather than the ongoing heckling from those opposite.

MADAM SPEAKER: I will remind members that this is an important matter. But I also remind members of my general view that there is some cut and thrust. However, I will crack down on interjections. I uphold this point of order.

MS BURCH: My point is that community clubs are a valuable contributor to our community. Mr Smyth recognises that, as, I would hope, does Mr Hanson. All community clubs make a contribution to our community. Indeed, Mr Smyth, back in 2010 said:

The club sector is a very valuable sector to our community—and we all appreciate the $15 million-odd in the last year that it put into community contributions.

The clubs are an important part of this city and we all acknowledge that. We value their contribution and the facilities they provide. All clubs are valuable to our community. All clubs provide support and good community facilities.

The Canberra Labor Club supports a number of groups, as does the Hellenic Club, the Southern Cross Club, Ainslie and all the community clubs here. Given that any benefit from the Labor Club seems to be morally bankrupt, Mr Hanson can explain his views to these other groups that also get a benefit from the Labor Club.

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