Page 215 - Week 01 - Wednesday, 11 February 2015

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Question put:

That the amendment be agreed to.

The Assembly voted—

Ayes 9

Noes 8

Mr Barr

Ms Fitzharris

Mr Coe

Ms Lawder

Ms Berry

Mr Gentleman

Mr Doszpot

Mr Smyth

Dr Bourke

Ms Porter

Mrs Dunne

Mr Wall

Ms Burch

Mr Rattenbury

Mr Hanson

Mr Corbell

Mrs Jones

Question so resolved in the affirmative.

Motion, as amended, agreed to.

Government—tendering arrangements

MR RATTENBURY (Molonglo—Minister for Territory and Municipal Services, Minister for Justice, Minister for Sport and Recreation and Minister assisting the Chief Minister on Transport Reform): I seek leave to provide some information that Mr Wall was seeking during the debate.

Leave granted.

MR RATTENBURY: I am able to provide an update on the content of the briefing that was provided for the mowing contract. I am advised that during the tender briefing for the interested contracting parties the government indicated they were seeking not to give more than two parcels of the contract to any one contractor. The reason given for that during the briefing was that the government did not want to put all its eggs in one basket. The feedback from people at that meeting was that contractors were interested in bidding for up to three parcels. They wanted to be able to bid for the whole package in one go.

So in the written tender documentation that was circulated—it was publicly available on the ACT government procurement website—clause 1.1.2 of the tender documentation indicated that tenderers may tender for one, two or three packages. I am happy to table that document in the Assembly, but I do not have a copy available to me at the moment. I am happy to table it or I am happy to send it to members directly by email.

Transport—light rail

MR COE (Ginninderra) (6.10): I move:

That this Assembly:

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