Page 3771 - Week 12 - Wednesday, 29 October 2014

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MADAM SPEAKER: I do not think he has said anything about threats, but the Minister for the Environment, Mr Corbell.

MR CORBELL: I thank Dr Bourke for his supplementary. It is the case, of course, that we see significant problems with weed infestation, in particular impacts on native grassland species as a result of the practices of farming, agricultural practices, over the past two centuries.

We are undertaking very significant work to try to reduce infestations, particularly of woody weeds and other weeds that are causing major problems in these nature reserve areas, and we do so with the great help and support of our ParkCare and Landcare volunteers and other groups such as Greening Australia. We are now seeing the reintroduction of native grass species in some of these reserve areas because of their very dedicated work.

We have an excellent program underway out near Crace, where native grass and flower species are being reintroduced into reserves for the first time as a result of the eradication of weeds in those sites and the capacity to reintroduce these native species. That is helping to build the diversity and the capacity of our nature reserves both to represent what was here prior to European settlement and which was widespread across the landscape and also to build the biodiversity values of these reserves.

Ms Gallagher: I ask that all further questions be placed on the notice paper.

Supplementary answers to questions without notice


MS BURCH: In response to a question from Ms Lawder I made a comment that I would table the Australian Curriculum Implementation Committee schedule. I seek leave to table that.

MADAM SPEAKER: You do not need leave.

MS BURCH: I present the following paper:

Australian Curriculum Implementation Committee—Implementation Schedule—Phases 1, 2 and 3, dated January 2014.

Animals—dangerous dogs

MR RATTENBURY: Earlier today I was asked a range of questions by members of the opposition about dangerous dogs. I advised members that under the Domestic Animals Act, division 2.3, sections 22 to 28 provide a range of criteria that are relevant in these circumstances. This covers more than two pages, so I do not intend to provide all of that information to members now. Mr Wall has written to me on the matter that he was questioning me on today. I am informed that the reply to his letter has arrived in my office today. I will have that to him very shortly, and I will include a copy of the legislation and these criteria as part of that response so that Mr Wall has the full information.

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