Page 3768 - Week 12 - Wednesday, 29 October 2014

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MADAM SPEAKER: A supplementary question, Mr Coe.

MR COE: Minister, is the cost of developing a new carriageway from Hinder Street to Manning Clark Crescent and the cost of developing a new carriageway between Well Station Drive and the Federal Highway included in the $783 million cost estimate?

MR CORBELL: I would refer Mr Coe to the imminent release of the business case for light rail this Friday and would suggest that he review that document.

MADAM SPEAKER: A supplementary question, Mr Wall.

MR WALL: Minister, is the cost of removing and replanting trees on Northbourne Avenue included in the $783 million cost estimate?

MR CORBELL: I refer Mr Wall to my previous answer.

MADAM SPEAKER: A supplementary question, Mr Wall.

MR WALL: Minister, to date, how much of the $783 million has been spent?

MR CORBELL: The $783 million is a cost estimate. It is a cost estimate that will be refined as a result of the competitive tendering process. As Mr Wall should know, it is not the government spending that money, nor is it the government’s money.

Mr Coe: On a point of order, Madam Speaker.

MR CORBELL: It will be money spent by the PPP consortium.

MADAM SPEAKER: A point of order; can you stop the clocks, please? Mr Corbell, sit down.

Mr Coe: Under standing order 118, the question that Mr Wall asked was: to date, how much of the $783 million has been spent? The minister is talking about future expenditure, whereas the point of the question was how much has already been expended.

MADAM SPEAKER: I think Mr Wall may have undone himself by actually referring to the figure. I draw Mr Corbell’s attention to standing order 118 and ask him to be directly relevant. The question was: to date, how much has been spent?

MR CORBELL: I have concluded my answer.


MS PORTER: My question is to the Minister for the Environment. Minister, you recently released a review of the conditions of woodlands in the ACT. Can you tell the Assembly about the findings of the review?

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