Page 3269 - Week 10 - Thursday, 25 September 2014

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roads appropriately, and where road users are aware of their responsibilities to one another. As road users are different, their responsibilities and needs are different. These reforms start to recognise that.

In conclusion, I commend the committee’s report, and strongly support the government’s response. I do not suggest that it does everything that needs to be done, and we need to stay firmly on a path of positive reform to transport and the city environment. But it is a very welcome and admirably progressive step for our jurisdiction. We all have a lot of work now to get on with in implementing these reforms.

Question resolved in the affirmative.


Mr Corbell presented the following papers:

Annual Reports (Government Agencies) Act, pursuant to section 13—Annual Report 2013-2014—ACT Policing, dated 18 September 2014, in accordance with the Policing Arrangement between the Commonwealth and the Australian Capital Territory Governments.

Crimes (Controlled Operations) Act, pursuant to subsection 28(9)—ACT Policing Controlled Operations—Annual Report 2013-2014, dated 19 September 2014.

Crimes (Surveillance Devices) Act, pursuant to subsection 38(4)—ACT Policing Surveillance Devices—Annual Report 2013-2014, dated 19 September 2014.

Annual Reports (Government Agencies) Act, pursuant to section 13—Annual Reports 2013-2014—

Environment and Sustainable Development Directorate, dated 1 September 2014.

Office of the Commissioner for Sustainability and the Environment, dated 30 August 2014.

Annual Reports (Government Agencies) Act, pursuant to section 13—Annual Report 2013-2014—Capital Metro Agency, dated 10 September 2014.

Taxation Administration Act—Taxation Administration (Special Arrangements—Lodging of Returns) Determination 2014 (No 1)—Disallowable Instrument DI2014-245 (LR, 15 September 2014), together with its explanatory statement.

Ms Burch presented the following papers:

Annual Reports (Government Agencies) Act, pursuant to section 13—Annual Reports 2013-2014—

ACT Building and Construction Industry Training Fund Authority, dated 12 September 2014.

Education and Training Directorate, dated 12 September 2014.

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