Page 3202 - Week 10 - Thursday, 25 September 2014

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The purpose of this amendment is to achieve consistent rules for Australian Apprenticeships training contracts across multiple jurisdictions. By providing this legislative power that applies generally to each class of training contract is an efficient approach to implementing probationary periods for training contracts.

Another amendment will assign power to the director-general to authorise persons to visit premises where a registered training organisation is conducting, or proposing to conduct, training or assessment as part of a VET course. This power was previously assigned to the council. In practice, the council was assisted in the exercise of this power by authorised staff of the Education and Training Directorate.

This amendment is intended to support the director-general’s function to facilitate recognition and quality assurance in the provision of vocational education and training in the ACT. This amendment will also assist the director-general to be satisfied that certain conditions of apprenticeship and traineeship contracts are met, including that the facilities, equipment and methods proposed to be used for the training are suitable.

Together, these provisions in this bill accord to the broader ACT government’s objective of promoting the role of quality vocational education and training in providing a skilled workforce that meets the current and future needs of the ACT economy. I commend the bill to the Assembly.

Debate (on motion by Mr Doszpot) adjourned to the next sitting.

Planning, Building and Environment Legislation Amendment Bill 2014 (No 2)

Mr Gentleman, pursuant to notice, presented the bill, its explanatory statement and a Human Rights Act compatibility statement.

Title read by Clerk.

MR GENTLEMAN (Brindabella—Minister for Planning, Minister for Community Services, Minister for Workplace Safety and Industrial Relations, Minister for Children and Young People and Minister for Ageing) (11.19): I move:

That this bill be agreed to in principle.

This is the seventh bill to be created under the government’s omnibus planning, building and environment legislation amendment bill process. This process manages all minor policy, technical or editorial amendments for legislation administered by the Environment and Planning Directorate.

This omnibus bill process provides an efficient avenue for consolidation of minor amendments into a single bill. The single bill process also helps the wider community to access and understand changes being made to environment and planning legislation.

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