Page 2877 - Week 09 - Wednesday, 17 September 2014

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Politics, government and a sombre, respectful feeling.

But the thing that worries me is that people were often saying:

Offer doesn’t entice anyone, seasonal climate not valued

perception of limited activities

lacking excitement for some.

And we have a reputation for being an expensive place to travel, which deters spontaneous leisure trips.

Inside the four pillars, under art and culture the summary is:

Arts and culture was rated the strongest of the four pillars and has the most potential as a driver of visitation.

However, nationally we were ranked fourth. Melbourne was first, Hobart was second, Sydney was third and Canberra was fourth. I think we see in the Hobart numbers, the effect of MONA, a recently opened private art gallery. It is quite confronting, some would say, but it has really changed, particularly the long weekend and the weekend travel to Hobart where people are going specifically to see MONA. It is that value of having something unique, having something with a different appeal, that is very important.

The summary included things like:

While Canberra was perceived to deliver quite strongly on ‘arts’, the perception of Canberra ‘culture’ was not as strong.

Culture was considered as a more immersive concept, rather than one delivered by structured attractions.

Being a newer, planned city, Canberra was generally perceived to be lacking on this component.

Under food and wine—and we all value our food and wine in the city and the region—Canberra’s food and wine offering is currently lacking the credibility to compete with other food and wine regions across Australia which is, I think, a pretty unfair summary. But that is the perception out there and that is something we are going to have go work on. The survey found:

While there was some appeal for Canberra’s offer, it was not considered unique or compelling enough to drive visitation. This was evidenced by the lowest rank in competitive testing and the relatively low ranking among recent visitors.

Tasmania and Melbourne were more appealing. In the ranking it was Tasmania first, Melbourne and surrounds, Adelaide and surrounds, and we were beaten by Orange-Mudgee and then Canberra and surrounds came fifth.

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