Page 2519 - Week 08 - Wednesday, 13 August 2014

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I recently tabled DV318, which was the conclusion of an intensive consultation process over a period of four years. This territory plan variation will guide development in Tuggeranong for many years to come, and showcases the benefits of the master planning program.

The directorate will continue to provide a vital role in the release of land in the ACT. It is expected that investigative work relating to urban infill and greenfield sites throughout Canberra will be delivered within the next 12 months. This work will ensure that there is a steady supply of land to meet the housing demands as they arise.

In 2014 the development application process will continue to be refined to incorporate comments provided by the Auditor-General in her recent report on single-dwelling development assessments. This report highlighted that the process itself was already strong and not subject to influence, but the government agreed with the recommendations to continue to strengthen this process and allow for a greater level of transparency and accountability in the decision-making processes.

The government is currently developing a number of territory plan variations to ensure that the ACT’s planning framework remains contemporary and responsive to the needs of the growing city. Currently three draft variations have been released for public comment: DV297, the public land overlay and zone changes; DV321, Pialligo, which draws on the outcomes of the master plan released in November 2013 and provides a clear direction for the future character of this area; and DV320, the Erindale group centre, which again draws on the master plan to continue to develop Erindale centre as a thriving business and community hub.

This government is working to ensure that building quality in the ACT is given the highest priority. To achieve this, we will be finalising the review of the Building Act in the coming 12 months. This will provide a path forward to ensure that processes are clear and well defined, skill levels in the industry are increased and that construction practitioners are accountable for that work. We want to ensure our community enjoys safe, well-built houses for their families.

To complement the Building Act review, the directorate will continue its review and enforcement activities. In the past 12 months, the directorate has successfully undertaken a number of actions which have held builders, other construction practitioners, and landowners accountable for their obligations in respect of compliance with development conditions, building rules, and lease conditions.

The government is strongly focused on the growth of the ACT economy. The recently announced stimulus package has already resulted in an increase in activity. The removal of high fees associated with extension of time to build and the addition of further remissions on lease variation charges will continue to contribute to incentives for business investment in the territory.

Active transport options will be a focus of this government as we work to deliver our emission reduction targets and active living priorities, which are an important part of helping to deliver outcomes under the Chief Minister’s healthy weight initiative. Promoting walking, cycling and use of public transport are key to combating growing levels of obesity in our community.

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