Page 2265 - Week 08 - Tuesday, 12 August 2014

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To enhance transparency of these legislative amendments, the original schedules 1 and 2 have each been split in two. The revised bill is now presented as follows: schedule 1 provides appropriation to agencies between 1 and 6 July 2014. This reflects the funds drawn by each agency during this period pursuant to the supply instrument.

Schedule 1A reflects the new administrative arrangements and provides agencies with the balance of the appropriation from the original schedule. Schedule 2 discloses the appropriation units and output classes for those agencies outlined in schedule 1. Schedule 2A reflects the new administrative arrangements and discloses the appropriation units and output classes for those agencies outlined in schedule 1A.

Madam Speaker, the updated 2014-15 budget statements also reflect these new administrative arrangements. The document provides a summary of the appropriations contained in the original Appropriation Bill as well as those contained in the amended bill. This allows a ready comparison of the overall amounts proposed to be appropriated to each agency.

It is important to stress that there is no change in the capital works program per se. However, the government considered that given the material amounts of capital funding being transferred between agencies, in particular the transfers of the former Economic Development Directorate and Property Group to the Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate, an updated capital works program would assist members in identifying those movements.

The revised ministerial portfolio structure and details of ACT government directorates are also set out in the consolidated document. These include the transfer of ACTEW Corporation, ACTTAB Ltd, the ACT Insurance Authority and the home loan portfolio from the former Commerce and Works Directorate to the Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate; and the ACT Gambling and Racing Commission, Exhibition Park Corporation and the Land Development Agency from the former Economic Development Directorate to the Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate.

Each directorate affected by the administrative changes has revised its performance and financial information and has published these in individual chapters. These include strategic objectives and indicators, output classes and accountability indicators. This includes the two agencies whose functions have been amalgamated into other agencies—that is, the Economic Development Directorate and the Commerce and Works Directorate—and the renamed Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate and the Environment and Planning Directorate.

In closing on these amendments, Madam Speaker, they update both the bill and the budget statements to reflect the new administrative structure and will, therefore, facilitate debate on the 2014-15 budget. I commend these amendments and the updated budget statements to the Assembly.

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