Page 1954 - Week 07 - Tuesday, 5 August 2014

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(b) a lobbyist shall act with honesty, integrity and good faith and avoid conduct or practices likely to bring discredit upon themselves, public officials or those whose interests they represent;

(c) a lobbyist shall not engage in any conduct that is corrupt, dishonest or illegal, or unlawfully cause or threaten any detriment;

(d) a lobbyist shall use all reasonable endeavours to satisfy themselves of the truth and accuracy of all statements and information provided by them to clients whom they represent, to the wider public, or to public officials;

(e) a lobbyist who becomes aware that information they have previously provided to a public official was or is now inaccurate shall provide accurate and updated information to that public official if they believe that the official may be relying on the accuracy of the information previously provided;

(f) a lobbyist shall not make misleading, exaggerated or extravagant claims about, or otherwise misrepresent, the nature and extent of their access to public officials, members of political parties or any other person;

(g) a lobbyist shall keep strictly separate from their duties and activities as lobbyists any personal activity or involvement as a member of or on behalf of a political party;

(h) a lobbyist shall not disclose confidential information of another party unless they have obtained the informed consent of that party, or they are required to do so by law;

(i) a lobbyist shall not represent conflicting or competing interests without having obtained the informed consent of the parties whose interests are involved;

(j) a lobbyist shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that their details as recorded on the ACT Register of Lobbyists are and remain correct from time to time;

(k) a lobbyist who was previously a Member of the ACT Legislative Assembly shall not, within 18 months of ceasing to hold that office, engage in lobbying activities relating to any matter that they had official dealings with in their last 18 months in office;

(l) a lobbyist who was previously employed under the Legislative Assembly (Members’ Staff) Act 1989 shall not, within 12 months of ceasing to be so employed, engage in lobbying activities relating to any matter that they had official dealings with in their last 12 months in such employment;

(m) a lobbyist who was previously employed under the Public Sector Management Act 1994 as a Head of Service, Director-General or Executive shall not, within 12 months of ceasing to be so employed, engage in lobbying activities relating to any matter that they had official dealings with in their last 12 months in such employment;

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