Page 1859 - Week 06 - Thursday, 5 June 2014

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DR BOURKE: University of Canberra public hospital, could you please update the Assembly on progress on this important project?

MS GALLAGHER: I thank Dr Bourke again for his interest in the University of Canberra public hospital. It was wonderful to visit with you there yesterday at lunchtime. The University of Canberra public hospital will be an exciting addition to the public hospital network and will provide a range of subacute services that will help to reduce the stress on our tertiary hospital at Canberra and, of course, the major hospital we are operating at Calvary hospital.

The service delivery plan outlines a range of rehabilitation services that will be offered from the UCPH, such as neurological, general, older persons and slow stream rehabilitation, aged care inpatient day and ambulatory services, and mental health rehabilitation and day services.

As part of the proposed network of hospital facilities, UCPH will provide adult day rehabilitation, community and ambulatory services as well as 140 overnight inpatient beds enabling subacute services to be provided in a purpose-built contemporary facility without the pressure of an emergency or acute care hospital. There is also the opportunity to integrate clinical education, teaching and research. Already those partnerships are being examined at this stage of the project.

I hope that members of the community do continue to provide comments on our planning around this facility. It is important that we work with all stakeholders. I know that the Health Care Consumers Association and other user groups are getting very involved in the planning. When we do involve stakeholders early and often, we get a much better product at the end.

MADAM SPEAKER: A supplementary question, Ms Berry.

MS BERRY: Minister, how is the secure mental health unit, which is also funded through the budget, progressing?

MS GALLAGHER: Very well, despite the efforts from those opposite to delay it this week. We have $43.4 million allocated for the design and construction of a 25-bed facility. This is the first allocation for this project. Health planning briefs were completed in November. The preliminary sketch plan design process is progressing. Concept validation has been completed, and a draft 50 per cent PSP was completed at the end of March. The documents are now being submitted for endorsement and a cost plan for 50 per cent PSP has also been completed.

The development approval for early works is anticipated in August 2014. Four head contractors were shortlisted following a request for expressions of interest. The request for tender from the shortlist closed in April 2014, with evaluation now underway. Engagement of the head contractor is anticipated in July 2014.

MADAM SPEAKER: A supplementary question, Mr Coe.

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