Page 1481 - Week 05 - Wednesday, 14 May 2014

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Supplementary answers to questions without notice

Transport—light rail

Transport—Woden bus depot

MR RATTENBURY: I was asked two questions today in question time. The first was in relation to TAMS staff that are seconded to the Capital Metro Agency. I can inform the Assembly that currently one TAMS staff member is seconded to Capital Metro and they are paid for out of the Capital Metro budget.

With regard to the Woden bus depot, I was asked whether there are other tenants on the site. I can confirm that there are tenants there. There are safety plans in place, as well as safety fencing. That is the area where the tanks are fenced off. Alternative access arrangements are in place for the tenants so that they do not need to go anywhere near where the tanks are located.


Debate resumed.

MR HANSON (Molonglo—Leader of the Opposition) (3.35): In rising to speak to this motion I indicate my strong support for Mr Smyth’s amendment. I find it ironic that, as I stand to speak, the Chief Minister, who spent much of her speech complaining that I was not in the chamber for a Labor motion, has deserted the chamber. Where is she? What has happened? She was so keen to hear me speak. She was very critical that I was not here, and then she abandoned the chamber; she has given up. I am very disappointed. It is very disappointing to me that the Chief Minister, who was so keen to hear me speak, has deserted the chamber and does not want to be here for this important motion. She said, “It is such an important motion and we all need to be here to speak on it,” and she has wandered off. She has gone off to have a cup of tea or something more important, no doubt. It is very disappointing.

Mr Barr interjecting—

MR HANSON: Mr Barr will listen to my speech as a proxy. We know that he wants to fulfil the role of the chair next to him that is vacant now as Ms Gallagher abandons the chamber and walks away from what she described as such an important motion. It is very disappointing that she is not here. But anyway, Mr Barr will fill her shoes, as we know he is very keen to do.

This is a tough budget, and no-one is denying that; it is a tough budget. I think that in response we have to look at what we are now going to say and what we are now going to do and why we have this budget before us. Kate Carnell has been brought into this debate. There is a media article and, in fact, I heard Ms Gallagher, the Chief Minister, on the radio this morning saying that she is going to give Kate Carnell a call and say, “Ms Carnell, you responded to a tough budget. What did you do?” I refer members to a media alert that I have seen that has just come online on ABC, dated today at 3 pm: “Kate Carnell, former ACT Chief Minister, says Katy Gallagher, ACT Chief Minister,

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