Page 1244 - Week 04 - Wednesday, 7 May 2014

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I went on to say:

To ensure that organisations are fully prepared for the NDIS, ACT Government officials will provide each funded organisation with detailed information regarding the decrease in funding over the two years of the ACT trial based on the three phasing streams agreed at senior official level:

These phasing streams are, for adults:

Adults will transition to the NDIS from oldest to youngest over the trial period.

For children:

Children below school age will transition to the NDIS over the first six months, including all babies who were born after 1 July;

School leavers will transition to the NDIS at the end of the 2014 school year, in time to have their packages ready when they leave school; and

School-age children will transition to the NDIS during the school year 2015.

For group homes:

Group homes need special treatment so that the whole household can transition to the NDIS together. Households will transition from youngest to oldest over the trial period—

through to mid-2017—

This staged phasing of group homes also spreads the financial impact of these higher cost clients.

That is, in essence, the letter that I sent to the federal minister seeking that we really need to get this deal signed because our community need this information. There is no doubt about that.

This is an exciting time for people with a disability in the ACT, and we look forward to continuing to work together closely to implement the trial. It is important to understand that the decision by this government to gradually withdraw as a provider for specialised disability services is part of our commitment to the NDIS. The government made the decision to withdraw as a provider of therapy and early intervention education services in order to deliver better outcomes for people with a disability in the ACT.

Greater service opportunities will be available for people with a disability in an open and innovative competitive market under the NDIS. Providing an environment for the NDIS to successfully operate in the ACT will require expanding the non-government sector.

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