Page 1101 - Week 04 - Tuesday, 6 May 2014

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MR CORBELL: As with any part of any organisation, I cannot give such a guarantee, and I doubt that any employer or representative of an employer in either the private or the public sector could do so.

MADAM SPEAKER: A supplementary question, Ms Lawder.

MS LAWDER: Minister, are you able to confirm that there are no other reports of bullying being investigated in the ACT Fire and Rescue service?

MR CORBELL: I am not privy to the day-to-day staff management issues within such large organisations. These matters are brought to my attention by the directorate as they determine that they need to be. They are brought to my attention. As to the number or whether any are under investigation, I am simply not able to provide that level of detail today, but I can take the question on notice and provide an accurate answer to the member.

MADAM SPEAKER: A supplementary question, Mr Smyth.

MR SMYTH: Minister, will you guarantee that there is no bullying in the ACT State Emergency Service and that there are currently no other reports of bullying being investigated in the SES?

MR CORBELL: As members would appreciate, I cannot give such guarantees because in any organisation the potential for this type of behaviour exists. I cannot give any guarantee that it will not occur in the future, nor can I give a guarantee that it has not occurred in the past. We know it has occurred in the past. There may be incidents occurring right now that have not been reported or which I have not been advised of. But that is no different from any other part of the public sector, nor is it any different from any other private sector organisation. My directorate takes the issue of bullying seriously, and it implements appropriate measures to address it. That will continue to be the case.

MADAM SPEAKER: A supplementary question, Mr Smyth.

MR SMYTH: Minister, will you confirm that there are no reports of bullying currently being investigated in the ACT Fire and Rescue service, the State Emergency Service or the ACT Rural Fire Service? Take it on notice if necessary.

MR CORBELL: No, I cannot give such confirmation for the same reasons that I alluded to in my previous answer.

Sport—beach volleyball

MR DOSZPOT: My question is directed to the Minister for Sport and Recreation. Minister, in answer to my question on 20 March in respect of the ACT government grant to Volleyball ACT, you said that the association had, over a three-year period, undertaken a detailed business case and feasibility study and had gone through a competitive independent sports grants process which led to the government approving

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