Page 765 - Week 03 - Tuesday, 8 April 2014

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recently and saw significant progress. I will take some further advice from project managers in relation to the time frames for completion.

Mr Smyth interjecting—

MR BARR: I will take advice from them in relation to the time frame—

Mr Smyth interjecting—

MR BARR: for completion and provide an update to the Assembly.

Mr Smyth interjecting—

MADAM SPEAKER: Mr Smyth, can you keep it down. A supplementary question, Mr Doszpot.

MR DOSZPOT: Minister, you stand by your commitment, according to your answer. So I will take that as—

MADAM SPEAKER: Just get to the question. No preamble.

MR DOSZPOT: Minister, why is it then that Woden Valley Football Club is being forced to play the 2014 season at Kaleen oval, on the other side of Canberra?

MR BARR: Construction takes time.

MADAM SPEAKER: A supplementary question, Ms Lawder.

MS LAWDER: Minister, when did you know that the redevelopment would impact on the oval usage for the 2014 season and when did you advise Woden football club of this?

MR BARR: The project managers advised the club at the earliest possible opportunity.

MADAM SPEAKER: A supplementary question, Mr Gentleman.

MR GENTLEMAN: Minister, what will be the benefits for the community of the upgrades of Woden oval?

MR BARR: There will be a new athletics track. The oval will be upgraded—floodlights, automatic sprinkler facilities. All of that work commenced in January 2014. It is progressing well and it is expected that this portion of the works will be completed in the third quarter of 2014. There will be further works in coming financial years in relation to further upgrades of the facility. It is an important boost to athletics. It is an important boost to the Woden town centre and a very good project for the community.

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