Page 636 - Week 02 - Thursday, 20 March 2014

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MADAM SPEAKER: Supplementary question, Ms Berry.

Members interjecting—

MADAM SPEAKER: Order! I need to be able to hear Ms Berry’s question.

MS BERRY: Minister, why is it important that the government invest in these events?

MR BARR: Not least of which is to provide entertainment for the opposition during question time. But we have a broader agenda than just that. Major events obviously contribute to the vibrant cultural life of our city. They grow our economy, they enhance community engagement and they boost participation and develop further grassroots engagement.

Major events like Floraide and Enlighten, as well as other events like Summernats and the National Folk Festival, all draw very large numbers of interstate visitors and participants. The government commissioned Repucon to survey the community during our centenary year about their engagement and awareness of our events. This research indicated that events certainly do enhance community participation and boost our national and international tourism.

The key findings of this research include that 89 per cent of respondents said it was important or very important for the ACT government to attract and secure significant events each year. Ninety-four per cent said that it was either important or very important for the territory to host significant events each year. Nine out of 10 said that it was important for the ACT government to continue to attract these events in the future and 77 per cent believed that it was reasonable to use public funds to stage these events. More than half reported a positive change in perception of their city due to these events.

MADAM SPEAKER: A supplementary question, Mr Gentleman.

MR GENTLEMAN: Minister, what is the economic impact that the events sector brings to Canberra annually?

MR BARR: Events are a proven driver of visitation to the territory and play a crucial role in providing reasons for people to visit our city. Utilising research data from local major events highlights their significant economic benefit. For example, in 2013 Floriade generated an increase in direct expenditure of just short of $40 million in the territory economy. Blockbuster exhibitions at the National Gallery, the National Library of Australia and the National Portrait Gallery have proven to be strong economic drivers. The ACT government has invested $2.2 million in five completed blockbuster exhibitions at the National Gallery since 2009. These have delivered $260 million in economic value to the city.

The centenary year further demonstrated the value of events, with a full calendar of activity contributing to strong domestic and international visitation results,

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