Page 469 - Week 02 - Wednesday, 19 March 2014

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The principles of this motion are best illustrated by a close look at some of our city and region-building infrastructure which is at various stages of development. I turn to the Majura parkway upgrade. Surrounded by New South Wales, the ACT depends on the national freight network to access the goods that support and keep the ACT’s economy strong. The Majura parkway, a capital investment in our roads, will play a significant role in improving the national and regional freight routes.

From a national perspective, it will improve an important freight route, providing a direct connection between the Federal and Monaro highways. From a regional perspective, it will provide better access to Canberra Airport, a transport hub for the region. Locally, it will add to the capacity of the city’s main road network, taking some through-traffic, especially heavy vehicles, out of the inner north, upgrading access between Gungahlin through north Canberra to the airport and to south Canberra and Tuggeranong, and improving access for visitors to our region—for example, those heading to the snowfields.

The project will result in a new 11.5-kilometre dual carriageway road linking the Federal Highway in Canberra’s north to the Monaro Highway in Canberra’s south. It will also include 11 bridges, three interchanges with roads crossing at different heights, and dedicated on-road cycle lanes.

The Australian and ACT governments are each contributing $144 million towards the project, due to be completed in 2016. From an infrastructure investment of $288 million, we anticipate the Majura parkway will generate long-term economic, social and environmental benefits worth almost a billion dollars. It is a major boost to our local economy, not just during construction but in the longer term as freight links are established and further enhanced.

In celebration of the centenary of Canberra, the Australian government gifted $42 million to the ACT government for the upgrade of Constitution Avenue. The 2.5-kilometre Constitution Avenue connects Civic from London Circuit to Northcott Drive in Russell.

Community consultation on the preliminary design plans for the upgrade was held in September 2012. Over 100 people provided feedback during the consultation phase and this feedback has been used to help finalise design plans for the upgrade. Detailed design was completed in December 2013. Minor amendments are currently being made before works approval will be provided by the NCA.

Stage 1, the early construction works, was tendered at the beginning of the year and will be let by the end of March 2014. All works are anticipated to be completed by late 2015, subject to the approvals being provided. The road is a key element of the Walter Burley Griffin plan, and, as the base of the national triangle, it is significant in the implementation of the Griffin legacy.

The section of Constitution Avenue being upgraded is between London Circuit and Anzac Parade. The upgrade will provide major public space and transport infrastructure improvements along Constitution Avenue. The upgrade project will

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