Page 424 - Week 02 - Tuesday, 18 March 2014

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Moncrieff will contribute towards the government’s target of 20 per cent affordable dwellings in greenfield development sites, and this will include dwelling sites located around the estate, and a requirement that multi-unit developments provide affordable housing to the market. Land rent options are also being included. Land will be released in accordance with the ACT government’s indicative residential land release program which has identified 1,800 dwelling sites for Moncrieff being released over a four-year period. Construction packages have generally been packaged to allow for works to be completed within a 12 to 18-month period from when the tender is awarded, with the first block scheduled to be ready in mid to late 2015.

Once again, this element of the government’s package has received strong industry support, with John Miller of the master builders saying, importantly—(Time expired.)

MADAM SPEAKER: Mr Gentleman, a supplementary question.

MR GENTLEMAN: Minister, what has been the reaction to your announcement from industry, and how do the peak body groups see this assisting the ACT economy over the next two years?

MS GALLAGHER: I thank Mr Gentleman for the supplementary. I have probably covered the answer to this in my previous answer. The key industry groups who have made public statements in support of the package include the master builders, the Canberra Business Council, our friends in the Property Council, as far as that goes, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Housing Industry Association.

As I said, for each of them, different components of the package affected their particular membership in different ways. But, overall, they have been very supportive of the approach, the communication and the dialogue that we have created in the lead-up to the development of this package and the announcement of it, and including a very collegiate approach across government, as it did cover a number of different directorates and a number of different portfolios. Minister Corbell, the Deputy Chief Minister and I worked closely over a number of weeks to get the balance of this package right. So it has been a good process in government, it is a good process in terms of relationships across industry, and it is one that we will continue over the next couple of years.

MADAM SPEAKER: Supplementary question, Mr Smyth.

MR SMYTH: Chief Minister, what has changed since your immortal words in 2009 that we were too small to stimulate the economy? How is this stimulus package going to achieve what you say and in what time frame?

MS GALLAGHER: I do use the word “stimulus” cautiously. It is always difficult—

Mr Smyth interjecting—

MS GALLAGHER: Well, I do. I am just being honest in answering your question. We can spin it as much as you like. What we are trying to do is provide some

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