Page 122 - Week 01 - Tuesday, 25 February 2014

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welcoming community based on gospel values and a learning environment where excellence in education is valued. Their mission, as stated on the school’s website, is that the curriculum at St Mary MacKillop College is undertaken in an environment where each person is valued and respected and where personal growth is of such paramount importance.

Congratulations to Mr Michael Lee, his staff and all the MacKillop students for their achievements to date. I wish them all the best for this coming school year.

Tuggeranong park run event

Transport workers retirees club

MR RATTENBURY (Molonglo) (6.00): I would like today to make note of the Tuggeranong park run event I was invited to and took part in on 8 February, the five-kilometre park run around Lake Tuggeranong. For those who have not come across the park run concept yet, it is a free event that takes place every Saturday at 8 am and is open to people of all fitness levels and ability. I can say on the day I went that there were some very speedy five-kilometre runners and those that certainly took a little bit of time.

Events such as the park run provide a valuable service to the Canberra community not only by promoting exercise and healthy living but also by giving Canberrans another opportunity to enjoy our abundant parklands and open green spaces. In fact, on this weekend just gone, 22 February, the Tuggeranong park run event celebrated their first birthday.

The weekend I went, just two weeks earlier, they had their biggest ever group of 250 runners on a Saturday morning. This weekend gone I understand the numbers were more like 350 for their birthday event. It is a wonderful community event. People have just taken it on to organise as a community service and it is run by volunteers every weekend. There are a number of them in Canberra now. There is the original one at Lake Ginninderra and there is also one at Yerrabi Pond.

I thank the organisers of the various park run events. It was great to be invited to go to Tuggeranong and join in that event but also the other events across Canberra that really do provide a great free fun event every Saturday morning across our city.

I would also like to make mention of the Retired ACT Transport Employees Club. On 17 December last year I had the privilege of attending their Christmas luncheon. The Campbell-based club provides a social space for retired ACTION bus drivers, office staff and retired Comcar drivers. It also features a fascinating memorabilia display which illustrates the history of ACTION buses in the territory.

The extensive display of photos and models showcase how the territory has grown and developed over the years from the first horse and cart school bus from the Cotter in 1926 to the development of the different town interchanges in the 1970s. The club’s photos illustrate the nature of change and development in the ACT’s short history.

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