Page 4109 - Week 13 - Thursday, 31 October 2013

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MADAM SPEAKER: On the point of order, Mr Coe.

Mr Coe: Firstly, the Gambling and Racing Commission is under the minister’s control, and they are the regulator in this space; in addition to which the minister mentioned the relationship, and indeed she mentioned a study that had taken place which assessed the relationship. Therefore I think it is quite reasonable, as a supplementary to her answer, that she expand upon what she had given in the earlier question.

Mr Corbell: Well—

MADAM SPEAKER: On the point of order, I am sorry, Mr Corbell; we could go on and on. I have listened very carefully to the questions and I think they are within the bounds of the minister’s responsibility in relation to gaming. Minister Burch.

MS BURCH: I go to my previous answer and say that we have an independent statutory authority called the Gambling and Racing Commission that has all these matters—

Mr Coe interjecting—


MS BURCH: Again, interjections. But if the point is that there is a concern around people here going and participating in clubs’ activity, I say to each and every one of you: why do you go to ClubsACT dinners? Why do you turn up to the Southern Cross Club on a Sunday afternoon when they give out grants to communities—

Mr Hanson: A point of order.

MADAM SPEAKER: A point of order.

MS BURCH: if you think there is a concern.


Mr Hanson: Could I—

MADAM SPEAKER: Before you do, Minister Burch, I think there have been three times in the last sitting period that I have drawn to your attention that when there is a point of order, you have to sit down. I directly relate it to you. I should not have to persist in doing this.

MS BURCH: I am sorry, Madam Speaker. Oftentimes, if there is an interjection coming—

MADAM SPEAKER: No, I am talking to you.

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