Page 3683 - Week 12 - Wednesday, 23 October 2013

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The GDE would be another great example of this government’s performance. The ED was the subject of some discussion yesterday. The Chief Minister was very quick to say: “Compare it to this hospital. Compare it to that hospital.” What I would say to you, Madam Deputy Speaker, is this: compare the ED waiting times as they are now to what they were when this government first took over. I think that would be a pretty accurate assessment of this government’s performance. What you will see is that when this government took over, our ED waiting times were some of the best in the country. What we see now is that they are the worst—and the worst by a long stretch. So there is no argument in saying, “Compare it to other jurisdictions here, there and everywhere,” to try and find an excuse for that performance. Compare it to where it was when this dismal Labor government took over.

There is the mess in our courts with the delays. There is the budget, the debt that is approaching $3.5 billion. There is the $660 million of structural deficit. There are the rates—the great lie about rates. Again I call on the minister to provide your modelling. You have said you have done it; why won’t you provide it?

Mr Barr: I am next Thursday, according to the motion that was passed in the last sitting. You don’t pay attention to what goes on in this place.

MR HANSON: And what we are not seeing––

Mr Barr interjecting—

MR HANSON: We will see what this minister comes up with. We have called on him to table that modelling repeatedly, and he has failed to do so.

There are the job cuts and the cuts to services that we have seen from this government in the budget. Light rail—does anybody have confidence that the $600 million that has been allocated for light rail will deliver what this government promises?

Mr Barr: $600 million has not been allocated for light rail.

MR HANSON: That this government has promised will be delivered for light rail. Dr Bourke said it is the first phase of a multiphase project that will be the backbone of this transport system.

Mr Barr interjecting—

MADAM DEPUTY SPEAKER: Mr Barr, you will have an opportunity––

MR HANSON: Mr Barr is interjecting because—what, he disagrees that it is going to be the first phase of a project?

Mr Barr: No.

MR HANSON: No. So you do not agree with what I am saying?

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