Page 3482 - Week 11 - Thursday, 19 September 2013

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MS GALLAGHER: You do not just turn up; you work.

MADAM SPEAKER: Supplementary question, Mr Gentleman.

MR GENTLEMAN: Minister, how important is stability in employment relationships and how does Canberra compare to other jurisdictions?

Mr Hanson: Madam Speaker, on a point of order of relevance. The question is very specifically about executive contracts and the process under the Public Service Management Act. The question that Mr Gentleman has asked is far broader than that and is beyond the scope of the issue that we are addressing in the question.

MADAM SPEAKER: Thank you, Mr Hanson. I was about to ask Mr Gentleman to repeat his question. I think you were reading from notes. Would you repeat it?

MR GENTLEMAN: Thank you, Madam Speaker. I will just re-word the question—

MADAM SPEAKER: Before you do, could you repeat the question?

MR GENTLEMAN: It was: how important is stability in employment relationships, which was directly in relation to the minister’s answer, and how do we compare with other jurisdictions?

MADAM SPEAKER: I think that that does not really relate to the question Mr Hanson asked. However, I will give you an opportunity to attempt to re-word it so it would be in order, because you did offer to do that before.

MR GENTLEMAN: Yes. How important is stability in employment contracts and how do we compare to other jurisdictions?

MADAM SPEAKER: I will rule it in order. Chief Minister.

MS GALLAGHER: We have been very well served by stability at the executive level of the ACT public service. This is something that I think we should be proud of, and we are. We have very diligent director-generals that work very hard for the ACT community. They do not often get recognition for the work that they perform, but they do. I think the stability at the head of our public service certainly contributes to the strength and high quality of services provided to the people of the ACT.

MADAM SPEAKER: A supplementary question, Mr Smyth.

MR SMYTH: Minister, in your first answer to Mr Hanson, you spoke of performance agreements. Why did it take so long for performance agreements to be put in place and then the proper process to be followed?

MS GALLAGHER: I do not think there is a single answer to that, or I certainly have not been given a single answer. I think it is about the convoluted process. I think the nature of the work performed at the senior level and the workload could have

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