Page 3307 - Week 11 - Wednesday, 18 September 2013

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project that will significantly change the intended character of the village and impact on their future prosperity. This threat is the proposal to construct a large-scale solar operation, some 26,100 panels placed over 40 hectares of land directly opposite the village. It is very important to note that this development will be, at its closest point, only 115 metres away from homes.

This community would be among the first to welcome any initiative that gives this kind of environmental benefit. After all, the village was built with very strict design requirements which included reducing the environmental impact on the land as well as retaining the rural elements of the village. I would like to quote from a letter that I have received from a resident which states the point very well:

To hear that the ACT government is going ahead with renewable energy sources is music to our ears and those of future generations. To hear that a 40H solar plant is to be built near Uriarra fills us with pride that this community could be so closely associated with a great renewable source of energy. To discover, however, that the said plant will be 50m from the northern edge of our Village is an absolute slap in the face to us and the community which has been built around renewable energy principles and design whilst being sympathetic to our rural surrounds.

What does add insult to injury is that these families were firstly notified of this proposal an hour after Mr Corbell made the public announcement, an announcement in which he used very definitive language, language that did not indicate there would be any opportunity for consultation. I will quote from the minister:

I am pleased to announce that two new solar farms will be developed in Canberra as a result of the Solar Auction process.

I would be doing residents a great disservice if I did not echo their words when describing their lifestyle and what they perceive to be the single biggest hurdle in their lives to date. So I would now like to read directly from emails sent to me and other members of the Assembly outlining their fears and disagreeing with this project. I will quote directly from a couple of other residents:

My biggest concern is the impact this will have on the value of my home and my livelihood.

My husband and I have worked hard to build our home in Uriarra and so far the sacrifices have been worth it, we love it out here and the community is a very warm and caring one. We over extended as most families do just to be out here, to give our children the childhood that we had. To live in a community of wonderful like minded people who were after a piece of paradise in the country. It’s worth the financial struggle and it’s worth the extra travel to give our children the best rural outdoor lifestyle. Even in winter the children of Uriarra are outdoors, they just rug up and off they go. Our community is a blessed one and we have regular get togethers and social events celebrating our lifestyle, this is our utopia.

The Solar Farm proposed directly across the road from my house is causing myself and my husband real concern. Should the solar farm go ahead it will be

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