Page 3123 - Week 10 - Thursday, 15 August 2013

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can see if we can find a way through. We saw earlier that Ms Lawder was offered the opportunity to reframe her question. We might be able to find a suitable way through that keeps us within the standing orders at the same time, which is the Speaker’s job. I think the Speaker is working hard to implement the standing orders, but we might be able to find a way through that enables the Assembly to proceed effectively. I propose to move that the dissent motion be withdrawn.

MADAM SPEAKER: Mr Rattenbury, you will need leave to do that.

MR RATTENBURY: Of course I will. I seek leave to move a motion that the dissent motion be withdrawn.

Leave granted.


That the dissent motion be withdrawn.

MADAM SPEAKER: The question now is that the motion of dissent be withdrawn. Chief Minister.

MS GALLAGHER (Molonglo—Chief Minister, Minister for Regional Development, Minister for Health and Minister for Higher Education) (3.07): I thank other members for their contribution. The government would be prepared to consider withdrawing the dissent motion if the Speaker was prepared to indicate a willingness to reconsider the ruling. This is the first time dissent in the chair has been moved in this parliament. That shows that we do not do these things lightly. But in order to navigate a way through this, the government would certainly be prepared to do that if we had an indication from you, Madam Speaker, that what Mr Rattenbury outlined was agreeable to you.

MADAM SPEAKER: I will depart from procedure, with members’ indulgence, and I will indicate that, as is always the case, the Speaker is in the hands of the parliament. I hear that members are unhappy with the ruling and I am happy to reconsider, as it seems to be the wish of the parliament that I reconsider the ruling. Mr Corbell, the question is that the dissent motion be withdrawn.

MR CORBELL (Molonglo—Attorney-General, Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Minister for Workplace Safety and Industrial Relations and Minister for the Environment and Sustainable Development) (3.09): Thank you, Madam Speaker, for that indication. The government welcomes the indication of your willingness to reconsider. We think that is an effective and appropriate way forward, and the government will not oppose the proposal put by Mr Rattenbury.

MR HANSON (Molonglo—Leader of the Opposition) (3.09): I welcome the step back from the brink here, because this was a serious motion, and the interjection from Mr Barr indicates that, just as Tuesday was, there has been a bit of an overreach from the government. I think this is a more appropriate way to go forward. In fact, I think it should be noted that Mrs Dunne as the Speaker takes her rulings very seriously. She

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