Page 3115 - Week 10 - Thursday, 15 August 2013

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MR CORBELL: We commenced the day after we were re-elected to government.

MADAM SPEAKER: A supplementary question, Ms Lawder.

MS LAWDER: Minister, will you rule out abandoning light rail in favour of bus rapid transport?

MR CORBELL: The government has made very clear its absolute commitment to implement this election commitment. We treat it seriously, in the same way that we treat seriously every one of the election commitments we took to the last election.

MADAM SPEAKER: Supplementary question, Ms Berry.

MS BERRY: Minister, what are benefits of light rail to the ACT community?

MADAM SPEAKER: I think—the same question was asked of Ms Gallagher but it is asked of a different minister. Mr Corbell.

MR CORBELL: I thank Ms Berry for the supplementary. The benefits are extensive. First of all, we know that light rail delivers a better transport saving time than bus rapid transit. I outlined those details in my speech to the Assembly this morning. It is very, very clear that we face growing congestion along this corridor between now and 2030.

Members interjecting—

MADAM SPEAKER: Order, members!

MR CORBELL: We are talking about delays in travel time of approximately an hour for what is a very short—

MADAM SPEAKER: Mr Corbell, can you sit down for a second and can you stop the clock? Ms Berry asked the question. Every member on the government benches and every member on the opposition benches is speaking. I cannot hear Mr Corbell. Mr Corbell should be heard in reasonable silence. Mr Corbell.

MR CORBELL: Thank you, Madam Speaker. We are talking about a journey of 12 kilometres that is projected to take an hour by 2030 if we do not act. This government is determined to act. It is determined to protect people’s amenity, people’s time, the productivity of the city and the sustainability of the city. That is why we are going to invest in light rail along this corridor.

Light rail delivers better transport travel savings than bus rapid transit. That is very, very clear. It is also very, very clear that light rail drives a higher level of economic and fiscal redevelopment activity along the corridor than bus rapid transit delivers. So those are two key benefits that derive from a long-term infrastructure decision.

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