Page 2942 - Week 10 - Tuesday, 13 August 2013

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The ACT boys selected were Jakob Cole, Jordan Tsekenis, Sam Ossato from Erindale College, Josh Gaspari from Daramalan College, Nathan Tidmarsh from St Francis Xavier College and Nikolas Popovich from Narrabundah College, while Brittany Palombi and Nicole Jalocha were selected in the Australian schoolgirls team after helping the ACT to the fourth-placed finish.

The ACT School Sports Council chair is Chris Nunn, management committee chair is Darryl Stuckey, while the organising committee members are Chris Conti, Sigourney Dunk, Cassie Behrens and ACT executive officer Mark Sterland. And I congratulate them all, and School Sport Australia, for providing the interstate sporting opportunities for ACT students to participate in a range of sports—football, Australian football, hockey, cross-country, netball, softball, cricket and water polo—not only for their sporting benefits but also for the educational, cultural and social interaction benefits they provide for our students.

Time permitting, the girls team comprises Rebecca Luttrell from Merici College, Sonia Sheedy from Erindale College, Gabriella Ciardullo from Daramalan College, Elizabeth Read from Daramalan College, Celia Brown from Radford College, Jamie Duke from Lake Ginninderra College, Nicole Jalocha from Lake Ginninderra College, Monica Cerro from Daramalan College, Georgia Stewart from Daramalan College, Brittany Palombi from Radford College, Sheniya Whyte from Melrose High School, Kristy Helmers from Erindale College, Madelyn Whittall from Campbell High School, Ruth Kravis from Orana Steiner School, Sarah Whitfield from Narrabundah College and Rachel Corbett from Gold Creek School. As mentioned earlier, the coach is Adrian Haynes from Lanyon High School and the manager is Kate Davoren from Wanniassa High School.

Work safety


DR BOURKE (Ginninderra) (9.08): Whether through a work accident, motor vehicle accident, illness or other cause, the death of a young adult is deeply felt by family and friends. A young person cut down unexpectedly with so much still to do, to see, is unlikely to have thought much about their own death and the consequences for those around them.

Statistics show young people are much less likely than older people to have a will. We have the notion that a will is about passing on the wealth and assets of a lifetime. Basically, it is for old people. However, young people also have assets: loan agreements, superannuation, perhaps a child, perhaps a failed marriage and no formal, legal recognition of their current partner. Often they have no will to resolve the legal issues that can arise from an untimely death and to clearly state their intentions.

Ben Catanzariti was a young construction worker who died through a workplace accident on the Kingston foreshore on 21 July 2012. At the memorial service on the recent anniversary of his death, his mother Kay called for more young people to make a will. Anyone who was at the memorial service, as I was, would have been touched by Kay’s story and her advocacy on this issue. No-one in her situation should have the added distress at such a time of facing the legal complexities from the lack of a will.

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