Page 2864 - Week 10 - Tuesday, 13 August 2013

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prefer to use Spofforth Street as one of the alternative routes to those significant arterial routes. Nonetheless, as the result of community feedback and further traffic studies in Holt, TAMS has recently circulated a newsletter to residents of Holt because what has become clear is that a broader strategy of considering the whole suburb needs to be developed.

The intent for Spofforth Street particularly is to make changes which will result in a number of speed cushions down Spofforth Street. That number does not come to mind right at the moment, but I think it is around seven. The result will be that there will be four sets of speed cushions in Spofforth Street, with the addition of two chicanes, to try to provide some level of traffic calming in the street.

I think this is an appropriate outcome. Certainly, the community has indicated that they felt the number of speed humps was excessive, but clearly some members of the community are concerned about the ongoing issues of speed. I think the analysis undertaken by Roads ACT shows that those concerns from the community were absolutely valid. I think we now have a compromise. The various concerns are out there but I think we have a result that will continue to provide a safer outcome for residents in the area.

MADAM SPEAKER: A supplementary question, Ms Berry.

MS BERRY: Minister, what changes are proposed for the streets surrounding Spofforth Street?

MR RATTENBURY: Ms Berry is right to identify that the surrounding streets are also an issue, and one of the things Roads ACT has learnt as part of seeking to undertake a level of traffic management in some of the suburbs is that one cannot simply look at a single street and that it is important to look at the context of the whole suburb. What we see now is that Roads ACT and TAMS, through the consultation with Holt residents, has identified that treatments will be undertaken in a number of areas in Holt, including Beaurepaire Crescent, Messenger Street and Trickett Street.

Various treatments have been identified, including line markings and kerb extensions, chicanes, some speed cushions and these sorts of measures which we believe will reduce traffic speeds, reduce traffic volumes, discourage rat-running and improve safety at intersections. A newsletter has been sent to the residents of all the relevant streets in Holt, and I believe this will address the issues that residents have raised with the government.

MADAM SPEAKER: Supplementary question, Mr Gentleman.

MR GENTLEMAN: Minister, what is the expected time line for these changes?

MR RATTENBURY: There are a number of traffic management studies and design works going on at the moment, including for areas of Tuggeranong that were raised in the Assembly last year. The government is now looking to prioritise those. In each of the study areas, including Holt but also in Weston Creek and Tuggeranong, a series of

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