Page 2746 - Week 09 - Thursday, 8 August 2013

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Implementing Water Reform in the Murray-Darling Basin National Partnership—Environment and Sustainable Development Directorate, dated 28 June 2013.

Parliament House Walk National Partnership and the Majura Parkway National Partnership—Territory and Municipal Services Directorate, dated 28 June 2013.

Provision of Fire Fighting Services to Commonwealth Buildings—Justice and Community Safety Directorate, dated 28 June 2013.

Reward for Great Teachers National Partnership—Non Government Schools—Education and Training Development Directorate, dated 28 June 2013.

I ask leave to make a statement in relation to the papers.

Leave granted.

MR BARR: As required by the Financial Management Act 1996, I have tabled a number of instruments issued under sections 19B, 18, 17, 16, 15 and 14 of the act. Advice on each instrument’s direction and a statement of reasons must be tabled in the Assembly within three sitting days after it is given. So I have tabled a total of 30 instruments today.

Section 19B of the act allows the authorisation of expenditure of certain commonwealth grants. This package includes eight instruments under the act: $23.51 million for the Majura parkway national partnership and Parliament House Walk national partnership; $4.612 million for the provision of firefighting services to commonwealth buildings; $4 million for emergency services funding; $1.444 million in net cost of outputs and $581,000 in expenses on behalf of the territory for various new education national partnership programs; $500,000 for the DisabilityCare national partnership; $98,000 for implementing water reform in the Murray-Darling Basin national partnership; $37,000 for the great teachers national partnership; and $33,000 for the hepatitis C settlement fund.

Section 18 of the act provides for the Treasurer to authorise expenditure from the Treasurer’s advance. This package includes five instruments signed under section 18. The first instrument provides an increase of $6.2 million in net cost of outputs appropriation for the Territory and Municipal Services Directorate to reimburse a range of costs associated with the delivery of ACTION services and workers compensation premiums.

The second instrument provides an increase of $2.1 million in net cost of outputs to the Economic Development Directorate for sportsground irrigation. The third instrument provides $1.771 million in net cost of outputs to the Justice and Community Safety Directorate for costs relating to Corrective Services, additional judicial services, Remuneration Tribunal determinations, and $873,000 in expenses on behalf of the territory for legal expenses and compensation payments.

The fourth instrument provides $1.686 million in net cost of outputs to the Territory and Municipal Services Directorate to address a range of additional costs, and the fifth

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