Page 2355 - Week 08 - Thursday, 6 June 2013

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did not actually appear. But I made the point that she was the second former leader of the Liberal Party to give me a kiss on election night. It was not Gary Humphries; it was not Bill Stefaniak. I will let you make your own judgements.

I pay tribute to our party leader, Jeremy Hanson. Jeremy received the overwhelming endorsement of his colleagues because he is the right person for the job. Jeremy was often the one who did the hard yards in opposition in the last term, taking on some of the big fights. He often had to be the bad guy, but as leader we all are witnessing his skills and his ability to grow. I pay tribute also to the gracious way, Jeremy, that you have treated me since I stepped down as leader. It is not easy having a former leader on the backbench but you have handled it with class. I look forward to attending the Assembly around November 2016 when you are sworn in as Chief Minister.

Alistair Coe was unanimously endorsed as deputy leader because of his outstanding work in his first four years in the Assembly. In his first campaign he did in six weeks what most people cannot do in six months and was the first Liberal elected. He was the most popular member in Ginninderra at the last election. This is because of his work ethic, his intelligence and his judgement. I think what defines Alistair most, though, is his strong values. He knows what is right and wrong and he is a credit to Bruce and Barbara, who I think are here with us today. He will go a long way in politics and in any other endeavour he chooses.

To my Hungarian friend Steve Doszpot, I thank you for your humour, for your friendship and for your loyalty. “Dozzy” taught me a new saying this week; I had never heard it before. Apparently it means you are busy when you say you are “up to your arse in alligators”. I had not heard that, but I am told it is an old saying.

To Giulia with a G, I knew you would go places from the day you cold-called my house in Gowrie and left a message which left me in no uncertain terms what you are about. You are a conviction politician and I wish you every success.

To Andrew, the surprise packet of the 2012 campaign, I think people will underestimate you at their peril. You will go as far as you want in politics. I am pleased also that despite my leaving, you will ensure that Macarthur continues to be overrepresented in the Assembly.

I have had some amazing staff during my time in the Assembly and some of them are here in the gallery with us today. I have been blessed with senior advisers such as Daniel Clode, Fiona Glaskin, Nick Chapman, Merlin Kong and Juliet Toohey. Can I save some time now and say that for any prospective employers, I can highly recommend each of these for whatever job they apply for.

Daniel and Juliet had the significant tasks of handling costings of the 2008 and 2012 elections respectively. Both oversaw costings which stood up to rigorous scrutiny and they should be congratulated. Other wonderful staff have included Adam Duke, Hannah Passfield, Maria Violi, Emily Davis, Chris Inglis, Keith Old and Neil Hermes. To Clinton White and Kate Davis, neither of you were ever actually employed by me, but you have been mainstays of the Liberal team for many years and a wise and steadying influence on our Liberal Party team.

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