Page 2225 - Week 08 - Tuesday, 4 June 2013

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This Budget prepares for the roll-out, with eligible ACT residents beginning to transfer to DisabilityCare from July 2014.

The Budget also expands youth engagement and family support services, with funding allocated for more supported accommodation and outreach assistance for homeless persons.

Design and construction of Common Ground, a safe place for young homeless people, will start.

Community safety remains a priority for the government.

More ACT Worksafe Inspectors will be employed to make our worksites as safe as possible and to ensure that workers can return home safely at the end of the day.

There are funds to target drink and drug driving, and safe drivers will be rewarded with a discount on their driver’s licence fee.

The Emergency Services Agency will be strengthened, particularly its fire and rescue capability, and a new fire station will be built in southern Tuggeranong.

Canberra celebrates its culture and diversity. There is extra funding in the Budget for community festivals and events and for Ainslie and Gorman House Arts Centres.

The multicultural community will benefit from extra support for the Community Language School, and scholarships will be introduced to train more interpreters.

Corrective services will receive extra funding, including to support staff to effectively manage offenders on parole or court-ordered sanctions.

ACTION patrons will benefit from the introduction of real time passenger information, more MyWay recharge stations, trials for fare discounts, and interchange and bus stop upgrades.

Growing the economy

Canberra’s economy is strong—thanks to the Government’s far-sighted and responsible management we have weathered the global financial crisis.

But we must continue to provide support and funding to ensure we keep growing and meet the challenges ahead.

This Budget helps our private sector to diversify, grow and create jobs through continued implementation of the Business Development Strategy.

There is new funding to boost Global Connect—a suite of programs helping local businesses export their goods and services.

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