Page 2181 - Week 07 - Thursday, 16 May 2013

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Answers to questions

Health—health care access at school program
(Question No 93)

Mr Doszpot asked the Minister for Education and Training, upon notice, on 10 April 2013:

(1) When was the pilot Health Care Access Program started.

(2) Is this a pilot program only; if so, how long will it operate.

(3) What is the scope of the program, including (a) who is eligible, (b) what type of support is provided, (c) how many hours per child are provided, (d) is there a limit per child, (e) is there a restriction on which schools the program can operate, (f) how many children are able to access the program and (g) how are the children selected.

(4) How is the program funded.

(5) How will success be measured.

(6) How was the program promoted and to whom.

(7) What funds have been allocated for the pilot.

Ms Burch: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

1. The Healthcare Access At School pilot commenced in February 2013.

2. The Healthcare Access at School is a pilot and no date has yet been set for the conclusion.

3. a. The model intends to support ACT public school students with complex or invasive healthcare needs to attend school. This can refer to, for example, care of tracheostomy, provision of nutrition and/or medication via gastrostomy, catheterization, and oxygen therapy during school hours.

b. It is intended that support will be provided according to the individual student’s healthcare need.

c. The model responds to each child’s needs individually and does not use a time metric to support students.

d. The model is a school-based service for identified children. The model aims to continue while the student has complex or invasive health care support needs to attend or remain at school.

e. The pilot currently involves one school.

f. The pilot currently involves one student.

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