Page 2075 - Week 07 - Wednesday, 15 May 2013

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I would also like to point out that Tuggeranong has not been ignored in these processes either. Of the five completed master plans, which Mr Corbell notes in his amendment, three of them have been in the Tuggeranong area—the town centre, the Erindale group centre and Kambah village.

Coming back to the motion before us today, as I said, we discussed this exact issue around 18 months ago. The motion was passed with many amendments from both the Labor Party and the Greens at the time. I foreshadow that I will be moving an amendment to Mr Corbell’s amendment which reflects the fact that the Assembly has already spoken on this issue. Therefore, I think it is important today to reaffirm the Assembly’s desire for Calwell to be on the list and on the program because, clearly, there are issues being raised.

As the minister for TAMS, I did want to update the Assembly on the Calwell park and ride. I know this came up in question time the other day, but in the context of this debate I think it is worth mentioning it. The Calwell park and ride will replace the existing site on Webber Crescent at the Calwell shops. The new site will include approximately 60 spaces to replace the existing 12 spaces that are currently located in the shopping centre car park.

As part of the process, the new bus stops on Johnson Drive have been completed and the majority of the earthworks on the park and ride facility have been completed. As I mentioned in question time the other day, an existing high voltage electricity cable requires relocation by ACTEW to allow the new kerb to be installed and, unfortunately, that has created some delay. With Tread Lightly earthworks going into administration, there has been some further delay in that project. The project had been scheduled for completion for the week ending 21 June this year. This will be delayed by approximately six weeks while an alternative contractor can be identified to complete the works.

Mr Wall in his motion also raised the issue of Tuggeranong Homestead. I will quickly address some issues around that. It is of significance to the local and wider community. It is listed on the ACT heritage register, and integrating it into a living area weaves heritage into people’s daily lives in a more meaningful way. TAMS is currently the custodian of the Tuggeranong Homestead. The ACT Property Group actually manages the property in accordance with the provisions of a conservation management plan from 2008 which provides direction on use and management and in consultation with the minders of Tuggeranong Homestead.

I understand that the development of a master plan that recognises and incorporates the significant heritage and environmental values of the Tuggeranong Homestead and area, together with use and management, would be of value to the long-term management and planning of the homestead. Any consultation in a master plan would need to include the minders of the homestead, simply given their knowledge and the considerable work they have done over the years. The homestead, of course, is currently leased to a private operator until September 2017 for a range of uses, including a cafe and catering for conferences, weddings and functions. Of course, the popular markets are held there. There is a whole range of other activities that go on.

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