Page 2060 - Week 07 - Wednesday, 15 May 2013

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block 1/2 section 25 Griffith. We expect remediation to commence in relation to block 5 section 11 Chapman in mid-2013. This site has also recently received a development approval and activity on the site will shortly be commencing to undertake remediation. Once this is completed to the satisfaction of the EPA, construction of the approved development can commence. It is anticipated that this may occur before the end of this year.

There are a further four sites which are considered to be tier 2 sites. Tier 2 sites are considered to be sites which are more complex in relation to their remediation. There is one of these sites which is fully remediated and has almost completed its development. That is block 1 section 7 Waramanga. Indeed, as a resident of a nearby suburb, I can advise that they are marketing these units and that they are complete. Finally, there are three other sites that have commenced remediation—Campbell, Higgins and Watson.

I hope that information is of use to members, both in terms of the process the EPA has to go through and the status of the sites. I commend my amendment to the Assembly.


MR ASSISTANT SPEAKER (Mr Gentleman): Members, before we continue on the question of the amendment, can I recognise a former member of the Assembly, Mr Richard Mulcahy, in the gallery.

Planning—service stations

Debate resumed.

MRS DUNNE (Ginninderra) (4.34): Mr Assistant Speaker, I want to congratulate Mrs Jones on being a proactive and engaged local member and bringing these issues to this place. I am going to speak particularly about service stations in my electorate of Ginninderra that have been a problem over the years or that are possibly going to become a problem. I think that what we have seen here is years of policy failure—policy failure in relation to retailing in the ACT and the running down of shops in the ACT, policy failure in relation to diversity of ownership of service stations and the decline of the independent service station operator in the ACT, and policy failure on behalf of the government in relation to compliance with leasehold conditions.

I want to put on the record that I believe that the issues of soil contamination and remediation are important and that, for the safety and benefit of the community, they have to be done properly. There is no doubt about that. I do not want anyone to say that the Canberra Liberals just want this hurried through. First and foremost, we need to have clean sites that are not going to create the problems that Mr Corbell referred to about the fuel plume under Civic that resulted in tragic circumstances at the Centre Cinema many years ago. But in saying that, the people of the ACT deserve a better service. They also deserve some information about what is going on in their suburbs.

I was looking through my records when Mrs Jones first put this notice of motion on the notice paper, and I think it is about seven years since I first started doing

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