Page 1860 - Week 06 - Thursday, 9 May 2013

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Ms Gallagher presented the following papers:

Building a Strong Foundation—A Framework for Promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing in the ACT 2009-2014—2010-2011 Implementation and Evaluation Report to the Legislative Assembly, prepared by the Mental Health Policy Unit, dated March 2013.

Managing the Risk of Suicide: A Suicide Prevention Strategy for the ACT 2009-2014—2010-2011 Implementation and Evaluation Report to the Legislative Assembly, prepared by the Mental Health Policy Unit, dated March 2013.

Subordinate legislation

Paper and statement by minister

MR BARR (Molonglo—Deputy Chief Minister, Treasurer, Minister for Economic Development, Minister for Sport and Recreation, Minister for Tourism and Events and Minister for Community Services): For the information of members, I present the following paper:

Legislation Act, pursuant to section 64—Financial Management Act—Financial Management (Credit Facility) Approval 2013 (No. 1)—Disallowable Instrument DI2013-40 (LR, 8 May 2013), together with its explanatory statement.

Opposition members interjecting—

MR ASSISTANT SPEAKER (Mr Gentleman): Mr Barr, can you just hold your seat for a moment. Members in the chamber, would you—

Mr Hanson interjecting—

MR ASSISTANT SPEAKER: Mr Hanson! I am addressing you at the moment. Members in the chamber, Minister Barr has the floor. Could you allow him to finish his ministerial statement, please? Mr Barr.

MR BARR: Thank you, Mr Assistant Speaker. I was just about to ask leave to make a statement in relation to the paper.

Leave granted.

MR BARR: Thank you, Mr Assistant Speaker. I present to the Assembly Financial Management (Credit Facility) Approval 2013 (No. 1), Disallowable Instrument Number DI2013-40. This disallowable instrument provides the University of Canberra with a loan via a credit facility from the territory for $24 million to purchase and redevelop wing 4 of the Cameron Offices in Belconnen for student accommodation. This will result in 131 dwellings consistent with the University’s obligations under the commonwealth national rental affordability scheme, NRAS.

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