Page 1786 - Week 06 - Wednesday, 8 May 2013

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suggests that perhaps it is Australia-wide. He can clarify his statements. But when he says that there are 20,000 more jobs in Canberra, we will take him on face value. We will take him on face value because apparently that is where—

Members interjecting—

MADAM SPEAKER: Order, members!

MR BARR: Apparently that is where he intends to cut the 20,000 jobs, in Canberra, because he keeps on making that point about there being 20,000 more jobs in Canberra in the public service than there were six years ago.

I said in my earlier comments that if we were to believe both Mr Hockey’s position and the position of those opposite, that there are 20,000 more in Canberra and that they believe there are 3,000 less than that today, then there has been a net increase of 17,000. Yes? You are not going to argue with that?

Mr Seselja: No. Well, what are your numbers?

MR BARR: No, you are not. Apparently you are not arguing. So—

MADAM SPEAKER: Mr Barr, you are supposed to be addressing your remarks to the chair.

MR BARR: Madam Speaker, I am not responsible for levels of employment in the commonwealth public service, but my observation is that there has been an increase in public sector employment in the Australian Capital Territory. That is evidenced by the fact that we have a record level of employment in the Australian Capital Territory at 209,500. Yes, there are more jobs in the commonwealth public sector than there were six years ago, undoubtedly. Undoubtedly, there are more jobs in the commonwealth public sector than there were six years ago. There are—

Mr Smyth interjecting—

MADAM SPEAKER: Order, Mr Smyth!

MR BARR: We have 209,500 jobs in the ACT and that level has been steady for the last few months—

Mr Smyth interjecting—

MADAM SPEAKER: Order, Mr Smyth!

MR BARR: and has increased over the last few years.

Mr Smyth interjecting—


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