Page 1728 - Week 06 - Wednesday, 8 May 2013

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I am very happy to look at any individual matter. On the issue of referral, I do support health services being able to refer patients to the most appropriate health service.

MADAM SPEAKER: Supplementary question, Mr Hanson.

MR HANSON: Minister, how would the inclusion of doctors at the nurse-led walk-in centre improve treatment rates at the centre?

MS GALLAGHER: There are no plans to include doctors at the walk-in centre. The walk-in centre is a nurse-led model. It will remain a nurse-led model. The policy brought by the Canberra Liberals to the election—I am not implementing it. I am expanding the very, very popular nurse-led walk-in centre.

Mr Coe: Point of order, Madam Speaker.

MS GALLAGHER: It is not the ACT government’s job to—

MADAM SPEAKER: Ms Gallagher!

MS GALLAGHER: employ general practitioners—

MADAM SPEAKER: Ms Gallagher, sit down! When there is a point of order, standing orders require that other people give way to the person making the point of order. I should not have to be in a situation where I have to speak over people to ask people to sit down. Mr Coe, you have a point of order?

Mr Coe: Yes, Madam Speaker. It is about relevance.

MADAM SPEAKER: Could you stop the clock, please, Clerk?

Mr Coe: The Leader of the Opposition’s question was about what impact doctors would have at the centre, not whether she should be attacking the policy or not. It was simply about the impact it would have at the nurse-led centre.

MADAM SPEAKER: Thank you, Mr Coe. The question was, as my notes say: what impact would the inclusion of doctors have? Could I ask the minister to come to the point of the question?

Mr Corbell: On the point of order, Madam Speaker. There are no doctors at this nurse-led walk-in centre. Surely Mr Coe’s question is therefore hypothetical.

MADAM SPEAKER: It was Mr Hanson’s question.

Mr Corbell: I beg your pardon; Mr Hanson’s question. It is hypothetical in that context.

Mr Coe: Madam Speaker, on the point of order by Mr Corbell, if that question was to be ruled out of order, I think many questions in this place would subsequently have to be ruled out of order because—

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