Page 1594 - Week 06 - Tuesday, 7 May 2013

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2015 will be $16 million. The ACT government will contribute $5.5 million and the commonwealth will contribute $10.6 million.

The ACT and commonwealth governments are investing $9.3 million in enhanced services that will prepare eligible Canberrans for choice and control under DisabilityCare and $6.8 million in programs to support people with a disability and their families and providers to get ready for DisabilityCare. There will also be $9.3 million invested through these funds for one-off grants to eligible people in the ACT to access supports which will improve their quality of life and independence, while also providing a break for their families; recruitment of individual planners who will support people with a disability and their families to plan and manage their individual grants under the enhanced service offer; and the development of a mobile evening service in the ACT. The $6.8 million will be invested in programs and support for people with a disability and their families to take advantage of the opportunities afforded by choice and control under DisabilityCare Australia and helping providers to prepare for the changes that this will bring.

Already the work needed to prepare people with disabilities, their families, providers and the community for this major reform has commenced. Since the ACT was confirmed as a launch site, we have established an ACT government NDIS task force to advise the government on implementation. The task force includes representatives from the Health Directorate and Mental Health, as well as members from Housing, Community Services and Disability ACT.

I convened an NDIS expert panel in August last year to provide expert advice, and the benefit of their lived experiences, to the task force and government. The panel brings a wealth of experience, including lived experience of disability and caring for people with a disability, and strategic links with the community sector, who are a vital partner in bringing about the change required by DisabilityCare Australia.

National Disability Services, ACTCOSS and the ACT Mental Health Community Coalition are working with the task force to establish regular forums for service providers. Importantly, these provider forums will also have consumer and carer peak representation. This will ensure that as providers get ready for DisabilityCare Australia in the ACT they are doing so with the voice and input of consumers.

The first forum was held on 30 April and was attended by 65 representatives from service providers and consumers and carer peak organisations. The forum will provide an ongoing opportunity for the service sector to prepare for DisabilityCare Australia.

System reform will be needed to deliver a new response that is flexible and meets the individual needs of people with a disability. True and lasting change will be driven by the choices people with a disability and their families make when they have the resources to purchase the supports they want.

The ACT NDIS task force will work with people with a disability, existing community and family leaders and people with the right skills and experience to support people to take advantage of the opportunities afforded them with greater choice and control.

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