Page 1484 - Week 05 - Wednesday, 10 April 2013

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want to be here. To all of those who are going to be here and who will continue to work on the issues that are the subject of this motion today, I will listen to you. But I find it very hard listening to Mr Seselja, particularly when a lot of what he says is simply incorrect. The opposition in the last few days—

Opposition members interjecting—

MADAM DEPUTY SPEAKER: Stop the clock please. Members, you are going to have an opportunity to speak. Mr Hanson, you are going to have an opportunity to reply later. If you want to get to your feet and speak, Mr Wall and Mr Smyth, you may do so. Mr Seselja, you have already spoken. You will hear the Chief Minister in silence, please. Ms Gallagher.

MS GALLAGHER: Thank you, Madam Deputy Speaker.

Mr Smyth: On a point of order, Madam Deputy Speaker. You directed the Chief Minister—

MADAM DEPUTY SPEAKER: Resume your seat. Stop the clock, please.

Mr Smyth: to come to the motion. She ignored you. When will you fulfil your role as Deputy Speaker and protect the honour of the house and direct her to address the motion?

MADAM DEPUTY SPEAKER: Resume your seat, Mr Smyth. I have directed such.

Mr Smyth: Well, why is she ignoring you then?

MADAM DEPUTY SPEAKER: Resume your seat, Mr Smyth. Ms Gallagher.

MS GALLAGHER: Thank you, Madam Deputy Speaker. In the last few days we have been hearing concerns raised by the opposition that we have not heard before. I think today on radio we had a concern raised by Mr Hanson that the articles of association were changed without the proper process. I think we need to deal with those issues one by one, because I am not going to have the opposition going out in the media and putting allegations that are simply unfounded and trying to create, I think, distractions over what the current issues are that the government is seeking to resolve with ACTEW.

For the information of members—I think it is important to put it on the record, because it is certainly in the media transcripts—the articles of association which ceased to exist before we formed government in 2001 actually changed to the constitution of ACTEW in 2000. There were changes made. Those changes were made to reflect amendments to the Territory-owned Corporations Act and the Corporations Act in 2001 and, as required by section 9(2)(b) of the ToC Act, a summary of any amendments to the constitution must be tabled in the Assembly within 15 sitting days of the change.

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