Page 1384 - Week 05 - Tuesday, 9 April 2013

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Hooker Queanbeyan and Masters Home Improvement, whom I mentioned. The president of the board is Ian Goudie; vice-president, Lynne O’Brien; secretary, Adrian Brown; treasurer, Kim Ware; youth president, Russell Nankervis; and membership secretary, Brett Jones. The board members are Damian Coburn, Jo Delaney, Jamie Gray, Tom Hoffman, Delia Quigley, Krishna Sadhana, Adam Skillicorn and Maz Wakamatsu.

Diversity ACT are currently reaching out to all other community organisations to stamp out homophobia in our city. With recent partnerships with the Canberra Uniting Church, all ministers of the church now will be allies to the LGBTIQ services. Along with many of my colleagues, I congratulate the great work currently being done by Diversity ACT as part of making the ACT the most GLBTI friendly city in Canberra.

Evatt Primary School—environmental fair

Hawker Primary School—fete

MS PORTER (Ginninderra) (4.35): I would like to speak about two school fetes that I attended over the weekend. The first—also attended, I note, by a number of members of this place—was the Evatt Primary School environmental fair which was held on Friday evening. Mr Doszpot and Mr Rattenbury, I believe you were there, and I noticed Ms Berry. There were lots of us there anyway. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did.

I have attended a number of their environmental fairs over the years. I noticed this time that there has been continuous improvement on the environmental and sustainability measures that they are introducing. I have noticed these over the years. Many have been driven largely by the students themselves. I was glad to be accompanied around the fair by three young students, clearly proud of their school and its achievements. I thank the principal, Ms Susan Skinner, and other staff, parents and students for their work.

I would also like to thank, similarly, the principal of Hawker primary, Mandy Kalyvas, and her staff, parents and students for what they are achieving in their school. I attended the Hawker Primary School fete on Sunday. It was a very well-attended fete, clearly being enjoyed by all. As usual, the second-hand books and children’s toys were in great demand. I was able to buy a number of books for my younger grandchildren, five of whom were visiting my husband and I that evening.

As well as thanking the two principals and their school communities, I would also like to thank the various business owners and sponsors of various improvements at the schools and for the way that they assist with these fetes.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

The Assembly adjourned at 4.38 pm.

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