Page 1355 - Week 05 - Tuesday, 9 April 2013

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very open and transparent. In the case where the government has made decisions, ACTEW has implemented those.

The ICRC have changed their views around a number of different matters in the draft determination. That is entirely within their scope of responsibilities to do that, but I think we have to also acknowledge it is a new position that they have formed. And the government is considering that in our response to the draft determination.

MADAM SPEAKER: A supplementary question, Mrs Jones.

MRS JONES: What actions has the government taken to examine the structure of ACTEW given the ICRC’s view that the structure is confusing to the community?

MS GALLAGHER: The government will be providing a response to the ICRC in line with its draft determinations. The issues of governance which did not necessarily fall within a traditional assessment of the setting of the price of water have been noted by the government and we are considering how to pursue those matters of governance going forward. It would not necessarily fit within our response to the ICRC’s draft determinations but they have certainly raised issues. We have had some issues ourselves, and we will be making some decisions around that. So looking at the issues that the ICRC have raised, looking at issues of governance and making sure that the community understands the relationship that exists, ACTEW, and the difference between ACTEW and ActewAGL, are a part of that.

MADAM SPEAKER: A supplementary question, Mr Seselja.

MR SESELJA: Chief Minister, do you support a reduction in water charges, consistent with the ICRC report?

MS GALLAGHER: I certainly support the direction that the ICRC has taken in relation to some of its findings. We believe that there is scope for a reduction in the price of water. The government has considered that as part of its submission and will be releasing that submission before 15 April.

MADAM SPEAKER: Supplementary question, Mr Seselja.

MR SESELJA: Chief Minister, what actions have you taken or will you take to address concerns raised about imprudent expenditure in ACTEW?

MS GALLAGHER: I am not certain I understand the imprudent expenditure that Mr Seselja refers to.

Mr Seselja: If I can clarify for the Chief Minister, the original question referred to the statement by the senior commissioner of the ICRC that ACTEW was imprudent in its expenditure, amongst other things, of $50 million on the Murrumbidgee augmentation project. So I have asked what actions you have taken or will take to address concerns that money is being wasted on imprudent expenditure.

MS GALLAGHER: We are considering that as part of the government’s response.

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