Page 1253 - Week 04 - Thursday, 21 March 2013

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been extremely popular over the 2012-13 summer. The NGA estimates that this exhibition will attract more than 200,000 visitors, more than three-quarters of whom have come from outside the ACT. At this stage they are anticipating an economic contribution to the territory of over $50 million.

The 2012 Enlighten festival was also popular, with around 30,000 people enjoying the activities on offer. The 2013 festival, given it had four days of better weather than 2012, will attract an even larger number.

MADAM ACTING SPEAKER: A supplementary question, Mr Gentleman.

MR GENTLEMAN: Minister, how does the ACT government plan to further increase visitation to Canberra?

MR BARR: I thank Mr Gentleman for the question. We will continue the blockbuster fund, the million-dollars-a-year fund available to market major events for the city. We will continue our investment in the ever popular Enlighten festival. I think this year’s festival will set a new record for attendance at Enlighten. It is certainly going from strength to strength. We will continue our focus on international aviation. We will continue our support for the Canberra Convention Bureau and for the national capital education tourism project. We have also committed to working with the ANU and other stakeholders to establish the Mount Stromlo science centre and planetarium in this term of government.

I am convening a meeting of the aviation task force tomorrow to continue work on our push for international flights into Canberra. As I indicated to the Assembly earlier this week, our trade delegation to Jakarta and Singapore will also have a tourism focus.

DR BOURKE: Supplementary?

MADAM ACTING SPEAKER: Supplementary, Dr Bourke.

DR BOURKE: Minister, what other events are planned this year that will contribute to these national visitor survey results?

MR BARR: I thank Dr Bourke for the question. 2013 is undoubtedly the strongest program of events and festivals that the national capital has ever seen. With the success of events already—such as some firsts for the city, including the Australian cricket team playing here under lights at Manuka Oval; and the first AFL match under lights at Manuka, attracting a record crowd for a pre-season match—the sports program is outstanding. Coming up in April we have the Rugby League test match between Australia and New Zealand. Later in the year netball will feature—Australia versus New Zealand, the final match in the five-match trans-Tasman series. There is also a wealth of program activity around Anzac Day. Easter will be another strong period for events and activities.

And, as members have discussed at length in this place yesterday, the quality of the program for the centenary year is unparalleled in territory history. The challenge will be after this centenary year to build on these events and build on the momentum that

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