Page 1161 - Week 04 - Wednesday, 20 March 2013

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This event was a celebration of the city we call home and an acknowledgement of how far we have come since that day. Our Chief Minister led the toast to the spirit of Canberra and all who have contributed to our wonderful city.

The foundation stone ceremony brought about renewed interest in and national focus on Canberra as Australia’s capital city. The event received extensive coverage in metropolitan and regional media channels across Australia. The ceremony was broadcast live across the country on Sky News and ABC News 24.

Canberra may have a significant and symbolic role as the nation’s capital. For those of us who live here, it is simply home. The community of this great city is what makes it. As the formal foundation stone ceremony was being held on Capital Hill last Tuesday, all around Canberra the community was simultaneously toasting our city. Thousands in workplaces, schools, community groups and homes were toasting Canberra—its past, present and future.

The largest of these events was the big barbecue in City Walk, hosted by the centenary of Canberra’s principal partner, ActewAGL. Around 1,000 people were served at the barbecue. A giant centenary birthday cake was shared amongst the crowd. Lauren Jackson and members of the Canberra Cavalry attended. The audience watched live coverage of the foundation stone ceremony on a large television screen.

A number of parties were also held at this time at local shops throughout Canberra. Parties at the shops continued throughout the day.

And there is more to come throughout the year.

Today I ask that this Assembly recognises the importance of the community’s contribution to Canberra over the years. If the centenary of Canberra events, activities and initiatives we have seen to date are any indication of what is in store for the rest of the year, our national capital will look back at the end of 2013 and reflect on what has been a truly incredible year.

The phenomenal Robyn Archer and her team have been working very hard to deliver this fantastic and hugely ambitious 12-month program. And we should thank the hundreds of volunteers, and people like the Scouts and Rotary, who are driving the centenary of Canberra charity, Dollars for Dili.

I ask that this Assembly commends the efforts of all those involved in delivering an exciting centenary celebration, and look forward to seeing what is in store for the rest of the year.

MR SMYTH (Brindabella) (4.56): Yes, the Canberra Liberals will be agreeing with the motion. I note this is the second motion on this subject. We had one in February from you, Madam Acting Speaker, acknowledging the work of all those involved, and here we are again in March. Perhaps we will have one every month for the rest of the year.

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