Page 1123 - Week 04 - Wednesday, 20 March 2013

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We are a launch site for the national disability insurance scheme, and Minister Burch updated the Assembly on that particular matter just last month. We are also working with the sector to manage the transition to a new national regulator, the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission. Last week I announced that the government will protect local community organisations from dual reporting requirements that will be the result of the establishment of the ACNC. There will be more changes that will come in this area, changes that will benefit the sector and make it easier for them to do their important work.

We are also supporting the community sector through a comprehensive reform program, to which the sector is making an active contribution. We are particularly pleased to be working with the sector on removing red tape, freeing them up to deliver even more services and spend more time with their client bases. I have spoken to many community sector organisations over the past few months, and I am pleased to advise the Assembly that they are all supportive of the reform direction, particularly the announcement I made at the community sector red tape reduction forum which over 60 sector representatives attended last month. I announced the government would no longer require six-monthly reporting.

So all reporting will be annual now for all contracts held with the Community Services Directorate. I have raised this matter with colleagues who hold other portfolio responsibilities where community sector organisations will have contracts, and we are looking to make this a government-wide initiative.

MADAM ACTING SPEAKER: A supplementary question, Dr Bourke.

DR BOURKE: Can the minister also further advise the Assembly how the ACT government is working with the community sector to advance reform?

MR BARR: We have the ACT community sector reform advisory group. This involves representatives from various ACT government agencies and the community sector. The work of this group has focused on a number of areas, the most recent effort being around red tape reduction. And there was, of course, a robust and open conversation around ways to improve the reporting requirements from community sector organisations to government.

I can say there is a very strong willingness to work together to ensure that the right information is being provided to government that guides good public policy decisions and provides a robust accountability framework while at the same time ensures that community sector organisations are able to focus primarily on the delivery of services to the people they are funded to provide services to, that we are able to streamline our reporting and operating requirements in line with the national reform through the ACNC, and that as we progress to a new stage of reform in the community sector we are doing so in partnership and in ways that enhance service delivery.

MADAM ACTING SPEAKER: Supplementary question, Ms Berry.

MS BERRY: Can the minister also advise the Assembly of any additional reforms that bridge gaps in the community sector policy development and service delivery?

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