Page 1038 - Week 04 - Tuesday, 19 March 2013

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MADAM ACTING SPEAKER: A supplementary, Dr Bourke.

Mr Hanson: The ex-minister.

DR BOURKE: Better an ex than never. What recent commitments has the ACT government made to support Catholic—

Mr Hanson interjecting—

MADAM ACTING SPEAKER: Mr Hanson, I cannot hear the question that Dr Bourke is asking. Dr Bourke.

DR BOURKE: Thank you, Madam Acting Speaker. Minister, what recent commitments has the ACT government made to support Catholic schools and, indeed, the wider, non-government sector?

Mr Hanson: Thank him for his genuine interest.

MS BURCH: I do thank him for his interest. He has far more interest than any of you over there. You interjected about being replaced. How did you get where you are? That one over there is trying to get out of here altogether. Apparently the room is not big enough. The Assembly is not big enough. Now the room is not big enough.

Members interjecting—


MS BURCH: Do you want me to continue?

MADAM ACTING SPEAKER: Return to the question, please, minister.

MS BURCH: I will, Madam Acting Speaker. The government made a number of commitments to support non-government schools in the ACT at the last election. During the election we committed to invest $18.5 million in needs-based funding over the next four years, and this commitment includes $11 million to support non-government schools and $5 million to support non-government preschool students. We further made commitments to fund upgrades to IT infrastructure, at $2.5 million.

Our support for non-government schools will be based on delivering support to those schools in need, which will include factors such as disability, students from an Indigenous background, socioeconomic status and English proficiency. Our commitments also include funding works to improve access to early education and childcare. This government does have an excellent record in providing early childhood education and care, and our commitment of $5 million over four years will continue to ensure that parents have a high number of quality providers to choose from.

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