Page 956 - Week 03 - Thursday, 28 February 2013

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I thank Mr Smyth for his enthusiastic support of these initiatives.


MR SESELJA: My question is to the planning minister. In the Chronicle dated 12 February 2013, it states in regard to a master plan for the Calwell group centre that “the ACT Chief Minister confirmed the area was not a planning priority for the government”. Minister, why is the Calwell group centre not a planning priority for the government?

MR CORBELL: I thank Mr Seselja for the question. The government receives a high volume of interest in master planning exercises across a range of local, group and town centres around the city. The government seeks to prioritise those, and those are outlined in a yearly program of master planning work. Calwell is not currently part of that work.

MADAM SPEAKER: A supplementary question, Mr Seselja.

MR SESELJA: Minister, how will community concerns for park-and-ride facilities and improved parking conditions be addressed without proper planning oversight?

MR CORBELL: Those are matters that do not require a master plan for resolution to be achieved, if there are outstanding issues on the part of the community. The resolution of design or construction issues or infrastructure maintenance issues at centres such as Calwell can be resolved through engagement with the relevant government agencies.

I am aware that the owners of the Calwell centre are keen to pursue issues around park-and-ride. This does not require a master plan; this requires discussion with the relevant areas of government. I understand that those discussions have been had and a range of matters have been outlined to those owners as options that can be proceeded with.

MADAM SPEAKER: A supplementary question, Mr Wall.

MR WALL: Minister, how can you be sure that any future land sales around the Calwell area will ensure the best use of the land, without a master plan offering oversight?

MR CORBELL: The government makes the assessment based on the existing statutory planning framework, and, of course, the territory plan already sets out the requirements and the zonings for land use. At this point in time, the government is satisfied that the existing zonings are adequate.

MR GENTLEMAN: Supplementary.

MADAM SPEAKER: Supplementary question, Mr Gentleman.

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